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    Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
    Hosts: x o x

    Wednesday, June 29, 2005

    couldn't let go.
    freak. tmr's the O lvl chinese oral! so freakin fast.. needa adapt to the fast pace for the few comin months. jiayou jiayou! and friday's the ar comp. sad over it lor. cuz of him, my stupid di. aahhhh.. all his bloody fault. WAsted effort siaz.. alll had gone to waste. hate it k` helped ppl but in the end it backfire and i got the "bad tinks". wth is it siaz.. next time muz be selfish abit. puKe~ .
    Just back from Golden Willows. aH! l0lz, but i danced the wrong dance steps for line y stupiddance.. haha.. adeline la.. i see her do until i do wrong. haha.. nola. maybe tat time back from ar trainin den abit blur. Quite fun actually.. + the old folks were quite happy wif our performace. cheerios 4a! = ) good job!

    anw adeline wans to say to all the ppl out there tat: " the NTU CCC was damn fun!" sehz mad le her. everyday nag at me abt the cheers and tinks she learnt there. buaytahan. =D l0lz, jkjk. but she really had great fun there. ask her for more details!

    yea. guess not all tinks go ur way bah. and when it doesn't, dun get frustrated or despair. Try to accept it? bleahs. but i still couldn't let go.. Give in so much but in the end the result is still not wat i wanted. If i dun have the ability to do it and i failed, i will accept it and know that i had tried my best. But this time it wasn't. Some stupid tinks cocked up in the end which spoilt everytink until i became totally stunt.. I wanted to persue wat i wanted again but I cant. This is wat i realli called myself helpless. its not my fault yea..but cannot blame him too. Then whose fault izzit? Blame it on my swaynesS? NAh. i hate facin those kinda tinks tat are without my control. but what can i do?.. sigh... = (

    I still couldn't let go.. still..couldn't.

    7:35 PM

    Friday, June 24, 2005

    Went to eat NYDC ytd! hahaz.. omg the mudpie rocks..-anw its not a pie, its an icecream. lOLz. its squarish.. quite big.. and damn delicious.. which u have to pay it for $9.95. !!!!!!!!!! aH! freaky ex rite.. l0lz pengz. nvm.. but enjoyed it. ate their's pizza too. It was nice. People you should go try it. = ) Bring lots of money along too ya? hahaz.. cheerIoS! =D

    10:29 AM

    Wednesday, June 22, 2005

    = )
    = )
    The more u burn the more powerful it gonna get ya? Cheerios!
    Enjoy ur last week of holidays be4 it ends! .. and thats when all the hard work gonna start.. =( Jiayou people! keep goin no matter wat.. dun let ur personal or sad stuffs hinder ur way ya? all the best!

    8:41 AM

    Monday, June 20, 2005

    new layout
    BIG NEWS!-> changin hp no. to 96841391 .. ffinally yea? will be changin another one at the end of the yr. look out! = )
    dADa! im back wif a new layout! hahaz.. BUT sadly... its not done by me. =( nvm. i'll do a nicer one one day~ loLX. So all thanks to Melvin this time for helpin me with the new layouut! =D Chio rite? hahaz.. Love it lots siaz. Credits all to him.

    Anw went to adeline's bbq last fri. Found out that zhanhui's talkin style was a little like songquan's 1 ya? l0lz.. go notice bah. The guys set up the fire den we started bbq-ing. After that had a sort of heart-to-heart talk about our family and stuffs.. atmosphere is kinda sad ya? Talked real lot abt those sad stuffs and was had a real nice time chattin wif u guys! loLz. hmm moral of our topic: Muz learn to "kan de kai". hahaz.. Its a nice place for chatting. = ) Hope we get to go again next time..

    After that it was quite late le.. mel and zhanhui went off 1st.. followed by stef. The rest all decided to stay at adeline's house. LoLx. 1st time ton out wif such big gangs of frenz. But the feeelin was sooo great! hahaz.. chatted alot bah. but cant rmb wat we talked about.. and xinrong slept the longest, not me ah. l0lz. Had so much fun there. Really enjoyed myself there. oiiEe adeline, next time organise again k? hahaz.. CheeeeeRRRIOos guys! =D

    READ ON....!!
    Hot sunday! So stayed at home in the noon and went to orchard around 5pm. Yep, wanted to collect 'my hp' but the shop closed le. BOO. too bad, gtg next time le. after that go far east and streets shop shop walk walk nia.. nth much. around 10pm go cineleisure Kpool lor.. hahaz but sometink bad or funny tink happened. not gonnna say it here. Not bad bah, but gonna improve my skills! =D Anw the ppl there at nite seems abit.. hmm beng? eh.. maybe dress till very style or wat lor. guess u all know wat i meant. And the counter tat guy so impolite siaz. tmd stuff the stick in his mouth den he know~ wh0pz. hahaz reach home around 12+.. 1am. saw shaowei along the way too. l0lz.. thats all le bah.

    aaahHHHH.. and life still rocks like heaven!! hahax. >.- thanks melvin!..jinhua jianrong too. And adeline for invitin to her bbq! BIG thankyou. =)

    12:07 PM

    Wednesday, June 15, 2005

    pissed off wif mum. zz. freak. damnit. l0lz goin for a bbq on friday.. weEe! = ) saw my coach's daughter in the news ytd!- Zhang Jingna. l0lz.. damn bad to write about the coach's life siaa. Bo pirvacy. Hmm, talented char bo ya? Good in studies.. air rifle.. fashion. loLz. Dreams on....... Saw Zhanhui's blog and agree wif some of his points. Nice~!

    anw went to a church few days ago.. it was far from wat i tink it was supposed to be. Yes, they did sing songs but it was like a concert? l0lz. every1 was so high and if u dun go along wif it, u are the extra one. but abit too over le bah. -.- Followed by was the teachin of life? sometink lidat bah. not bad bah.. juz like the theory part though. Can like u understand about life but pls dun brainwash yourself. = ) Anw dun realli understand why after people became christian, their characters will still be bad as ever? tot they were supposed to change and become better after they gave their life to god and understand the meanin of life and stuffs? kinda contradictin to me bah. Learned so much at the church but once u stepped out of it, you totally forgot about the teachin and become another person again. Maybe thats why there's such a wide gap between god and people. People never learn. They don't think deeper. They don't understand. Yea.. that includes u, me, him, her, us, them...bla bla. hahaz. Yep. thats the onli tink that ponders me. - Do bad guys become better after the teachin by god? weird though. l0lz. nvm. comments will be up after ppl see this entry again. hahaz.. cheerios guys! take caree.
    The more you burn, the stronger it gets. = )

    12:18 PM

    Thursday, June 09, 2005

    The boy and his $5 bic.
    The boy and his $5 bicycle.
    There's this auction going on in a part of town, a bicycle auction... In this part of the world, bicycle auction is an event that is held annually. As this town is full of bicycle enthusiasts, this is one of those event which lets people congregate and share their passion, at the same time, a way of fulfilling each others dream...

    This year, the ceremony was commenced once again like the previous years. Bicycles of all shapes and sizes are displayed all over the hall, and people of all age and races gathered for this illustrious event. As the auctioneer went up the stage, the clearing of his throat cued the start of the auction. At that moment, all the noise was drowned by silence. The first bicycle was brought upstage, and thus the start of the auction... "All bicycles will start with the price of a dollar" announced the auctioneer. As soon as the announcement was over, a little boy raised his hands and shouted excitedly "Five Dollars!", right after, another person in the crowd shouted "Ten Dollars!".

    This went on for the next 1 hour, and the little boy was always the first bidder with five dollars. Everyone in the hall began to notice his puny presence. It is then a young man beside the boy queried, "Why do you always bid at five dollars?". Clutching the note in his hands, the boy replied "Because I only have five dollars."

    The auction went on until it finally reached the last bicycle. This time the bicycle was one of its kind, the shiny metallic frame of the bicycle accompanied with all the other options every cyclist would dream of. Seeing this, the vivaciousness in the little boy dissipated, for he knew that other people would certainly bid against him.

    After the bicycle was brought upstage, the auctioneer looked at the little boy. Battered by dissappointment, the boy held on tightly to the crumpled note, raised his hand slowly and uttered "five dollars"... But this time, there was only silence in the hall. The auctioneer pored at the little boy for a while, and smiled. "Sold! Sold for five dollars to the boy in white T-shirt and light blue shorts." shouted the auctioneer. Everyone in the hall applaused and the little boy was overjoyed.

    Everyone has dreams, the feeling of having your dreams fulfilled may be euphoric. But helping others to fulfill their dreams can lead to elation as well...

    yA, sai. Everyone is selfish. Seldom ppl help others juz becuz they truly wanna help others.. its just becuz they wanna show others tat they are nice and helpful.. but deep in their heart they are blamin why should others ask help from them. Who would be so nice to help others first rather than ourselves.. ya, that person would be one in a zillion.. and that one in a zillion is me! loLX.. jkjk = D cheerIoS guys.

    2:17 PM

    Haven done much lately.. onli for the eletronics course at nan hua sec. Quite a fun one i guess. At least it wasn't that boring. And we all had to come up with an electronic tic-tac toe board. Learned how to solder them and stuffs. Nice experience! = ) Except that it burnt some of my hair away while solderin.. LOL~ still got the burnt smell somemore. puck.

    Yesterday was the last day of the course. Reached home around 4pm and slept all the way till this morning.. at 10am. Hmm, 18hrs? yeaz. New record. Anyone wanna break that? l0lz.. im truly a mad gur. Pon my bio lesson this mornin BUT wanted to go for maths lesson in the afternoon.. however the time has been changed from 1.30pm to 11.30am. and freakin hell no one told me? ahh, forget it. ya.. thats why im still here bloggin.. cuz i wun be able to reach sch by 11.30 on time. Only he told me the time has been changed. if not i'll be an idiot goin for maths lesson at 1.30 without a single soul there. freak.

    Anw haven touched on my hwk yet. Guess mani are already finishin.. Kinda bored of everything. Its so meaningless. loLz. till then, every1 take care.

    12:40 PM

    Wednesday, June 01, 2005

    He gave me $50 last night.. not only me.. and also my two brothers. But he's leavin tonite again. And he's gone now. Last night I was sittin on the sofa and he was beside me.. naggin again and again.. What can i say? sigh.. the most i can do to help him is to only sit beside him and listens, and let him vent out all his anger and disappointment he has in his heart. But, after so long.. he still dun understand... Maybe we dont understand him too, but its just that we simply don't care anymore.. simply nelgected his love and care. Was it the wrong choice? yes. Yet we still choose that path... Because we have received the wrong love. He cares, but not the way we wanted. The love that we wanted wasn't there. Yet that was the most important love of all.. fatherly love.

    10:09 PM

    hatredd again
    sO bored. nth to do these few days except for air rifle and studies. bLeah.
    Finally, im gettin back my own self. FINALLY. Everything starts to work out much better.. thank god! = ) Hope it won't be another false alarm again.. Hey tmr is the NUS shooting competition le! omg.. i tried to change my place to qiuyu lor. Cuz not ready for it yet. But miss chan said not sure cant change or not.. cuz already registered le. man, tmr leh! freakin fast. but shootin wif JC oso lor.. can win, meh? loLz. Havin the nationals around end of june or early july. good luck bah! Cheerios!
    Anw why are people's mind all filled with hatred? Sigh.. all u do is to hate, hate and hate someone that u dislike. Ever wonder how much u sucks too? Yea, everyone has their good and bad points. So we should'nt hate some1 yea? Even if their attitudes pisses us off.. Ignoring them is a better solution? but it doesnt mean that we are humjis are whoever yea.. Its not that you are running away, just that its a 'too minor' matter for u too care. It just reflects on how childish they can be.. or maybe even jealous of u ? whahaz, if not wat? u gonna bush them all? yeaz.. maybe u can do tat when you cant take it anymore. loLz. Without good, there's no evil. Thus, ppl will like u.. and fairly other ppl will dislike u too! its part of a cycle.. Its sort of 'plus + minus = fairness?' l0lZ, wth am i crappin. You hate ppl, ppl will hate u too! Its sort of a retribution. heY! it does happens oka.. im not bluffin. lOLz. bleahz, cant realli express myself in tis entry. will try again next time. LOLz. But nvm, i m growin..thought more and become more mature. Understood or rather understand they ways of life.
    So people.. stop hating anymore. Hatred will make u blind.. damn blind. It changes the prue you too.
    Hatred is an evil devil.

    11:16 AM