oo.. im workin tmr again. its a weddin event but there's oso event at the esplanade rooftop! whoa.. its a countdown party i tink.. den still got fireworks.. aawww. too bad im stuck at oriental. cant go for the countdown. =( lucky kwoonjiew's workin together wif me tmr.. after tat might go and find jr they all wif her. but the pay is $8 per hour wor!!! its alot lei... $$$$. Anw might consider continuing this job until o lvl results are out.. or maybe i can work the whole year? haha.. just work on weekends lor.. den each work will have about $50 income. hmm good good. 52wks times 50....... loLZ. tinkin too far. but not bad la, at least its irregular workin hour so can slack around. =D
got posted to pj enterin e sci streams.. was wonderin to study chemstry or physics. heard tat phy is quite hard in jc? hmm ani clues ppl? but suddenly feel tat jj is much nearer my house den pj.. arhz, lets hope pj will be a good choice. =/
♥ 4:33 PM
prom + christmas.
i know this is late.. but it seems like my blog is an abandoned one! so i dun feel like bloggin until at least i realised there's one reader willin to read my blog. LOL. so pathetic. but its alrite, better den nth. =D
went to jr's city harvest church service.. saw their play and it was quite nice! haha.. they still have the chicken little dance.. damn funni! l0lz.. hmmm went to changi airport's Popeye(fast food) for dinner and saw eileen later on, she was sendin off her mum who was goin to korea! how nice.. white snow for christmas, in korea somemore. hmm, we remained in changi for te countdown for christmas!! =D ya, tat was fun. but they stay and chat until 1+ still dun wanna leave. until there was no more train.. no more bus. we had no choice but to call for help! lOLz, eg eileen. haha.. were realli despressed and didnt realli feel like tonnin tat nite. found singapore's map and decided to walk out of the airport compound to get a cab to pasir ris for nightrider bus. yes walked again!! its quite far lor.. needa walked along wif the cars on e roads. =( heng ah, this time no heels. >.- haha.. still can tahan. anw when we got in the taxi, e uncle actualli dun mind sendin us all the way back to jurong despite us havin onli twenty plus dollars!! plus we have five ppl somemore.. so dangerous. oh my god! everyone was so shocked! we claimed tat he was the Santa Claus for us this year.. how nice man! so damn great =D in e the the fare was actualli forty plus but we onli pay twenty plus.. aawwW thanks super great driver!
prom nite! 22nd dec
Er, as usual.. im late again! LOL! =p hey not me la. is the hairdresser lor.. did my hair for 2 hours. bo bian.. my hair too thick le. haha.. after tat go for make up. nb~ i tink the make up sucks~ make my face so white.. like ghost lidat. bleahs`
but was quite nervous when we get there until we saw everyone.. so shocked sia! with all the different hair styles and make up.. "Yi shan hai bi yi shan chio!" haha.. some even had extreme make over? l0lz.. from f9 to a1. stunned!
hmm.. the events were alrite.. but the prom king and queen...................... er, yea~. abit saddened. but nvm it was over. lets see some pic!___me & cp__.


chiobu shihui & me__.

after prom went around orchard and finalli settled down at orchard hawker for supper until 3+. ppl there were so damn rude! and they tot we were taiwanese tourists! LOL. maybe its cuz of our dressin? i duno.. =/

taken at e orchard hawker.
in e end jy they all paseh duno go where chat left me and jr at coffee club drinkin latte.. which contains alcohol. yea den he went cranky! "fa jiu feng." we walked all the way from orchard to esplanade. tats still alrite, but im wif the heels! my god.. plus jr is mad alone the way.. keep askin me to walk faster. fury mad wif him sia. until i buaytahan i took off my heels and walked.. felt so great. arhg, enuff of tat~ we reached the merlion meetin zc they all.. took some pic along e way.4am++__


nice pic, cuz im e photographer! =)

finally.. goin back home on a cab. phew. enuff of e heels torture. -.- wee~ long entry.. signin off. take care ppl! =D
♥ 8:40 PM
never felt a day more terrible than this. "Excuse me sir, coffee or tea for u?""Any milk or sugar?"have been repeatin these twO sentences for my mornin job today! argh. den the ang moh speak so fast, sometimes cant even hear them properly siaz. the tray so heavy oso lo..still need to carry around and ask.. plus the cup is so further into the table.. barely can reach and pour~ like so clumsy le. hai, tat was bad. so lonely somemore. the ppl like not very friendly le.. =( so sad. till now my legs still numb sia.. buay tahan. 7am to 3pm.. stand and do work all the while.. can die. But that's still alrite.. onli that the loneliness i cant stand.. next time die die must put together wif frenx if not dun do le. hahaz.. im achin!!! ahhhh. stupid barney.~im startin to hate coffee.
"coffee or tea, sir? milk or sugar?"
♥ 8:38 PM
ah!!! currently workin at oriental hotel. 1st day of work this tues.. 7am! and fri 5am!! omg tats so freakin early!!! die la. so early confirm late le lA. =x haiz. im alone le.. later go there blur blur 'tieo meh' den cham le. damn scared sia.. god bless! >.<
ps: anione wanna join me? =D
♥ 12:10 PM