new post! know why cyrena tagged tat my previous post was not interestin? cuz i didnt put her picture here. wahhas.. kiddin. anw she's my new classmate in poly. pro in english.. not tat pro in chinese. =//
now i shall make her interested.

tada! tats her. l0lz. we were in d&t room doin our project tats why goggles were put on. cool yea! =D
Anw watched Da vinci twice lei. Both tickets are free tat were treated by guys. wahhahs.. its nice to be a girl. =p one of them is wei quan. (from poly fren oso) he treated 6 ppl, $9.50 per ticket= total $57. omg, such a generous guy to treat $57 rite!! =// 3 cheers! =D I understood the movie after the 2nd time i watched it. hahas.. slow~ Nice movie!
Was hopin that we could have ex-4a or ex-2a bbq durin the june holidays... but guess it wasnt easy to organise 1 tat fits everyone's schedule. hmm.. west coast park anione? LOLZ!
Cheerios. =)
♥ 10:21 PM
hahas yes! im back. Miss me right!! wahahahs.. do drop by once in a while and tag me when u all are free next time k? thanks! =D
went to JB( Kukor) juz last saturday morning. dun think anione of u heard of it yea.. =// I still tot that it was a resort by the beautiful beach which we can bbq by the sea.. that was told by my aunt. But when i reached there, it was totalli out of my expectation.
It became this..

Anw i almost died on the way there because of the horrible driver who was talkin on the phone while drivin.. den there was a truck which cuts into our lane which bangs onto the left rear mirror! the whole piece of mirror came off in the end. Luckily we managed to change to another van after that. stupid m'sia driver. duno killed how mani singaporeans already.. =//
Something special about that place is that when it is low tide, it looked like this.. muddy and dirty on the ground. Damn afraid that i would fell sia! the path was so narrow.. and there's no barrel at the sides of it.

But when its high tide, it looked like this.. its onli high tide when its in the night.

Quite interesting yea? i heard alot of students used to go there too.. but not much of entertainment though.. juz fishin and i bought 3 shirts, 1 pant and 1 pair of slippers. quite cheap. My cousin bought bubble gum and got caught too! omg. =// god bless.
So lucky tat i got to see ppl gettin married on sunday. managed to capture them while passin by.. hehe..

aawww.. so nice! =D er, tat bottom right guy is my cousin. =/
lastly, saw this primary sch too.

i guessed its the nicest buildin of all. l0lz..
went there mainly to eat and see nia. quite a kelong place. nice! =D
♥ 10:13 PM