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red tea double pearl's like my
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    Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
    Hosts: x o x

    Wednesday, July 26, 2006

    this is freak.
    i noe its a freakin year to handle.
    and im tryin hard to survive.. very hard.

    it always seems like when something good happens, something else bad happens too. Is this what we call fairness? and its always that situation. one good one bad.

    goin to heaven den to hell?

    i seriously hope this doesn't go on forever.

    4:18 PM

    Saturday, July 22, 2006

    frens frens frens.
    Got a treat from nicolas today! (nic from fhs.) he said he won some money durin e world cup.. so decided to treat some of his frens with it, one of them which is me. Damn nice LA! cuz we didnt realli keep in contact for a few mths, plus he's in jj while im in poly.. so glad he still rmbs me, and treated me somemore. AAWW! this kinda fren is realli rare to come by yea.. thanks nic! =D

    After that went to bukit panjang plaza's cafe cartel wif jr and jh. Been a long time since i came out wif them le.. We waited after 9pm den we start to order the cakes. cuz after 9pm got 50% discount! =DD $4++ becomes $2++. damn cheap wor. and it tasted great too!

    ordered oreo frappe and mango mousse for myself. other two had tiramisu and oreo cheesecake. and mango mousse was the nicest! =P u guys should go try it someday.. after 9pm perhaps, for cheaper deal. l0lz..

    back to the previous entry.
    wonder why i had a bad day? cuz i was suppose to present that day and i was late, for around 10mins.
    den how??
    canot present lor.
    so im not allowed to present anitink. its onli the lecturers lookin at my work, cant ask ani questions or stuff. today one of my frens was also late, but for a few minutes nia. But still, late means late, so he cant present too. yea. thats how strict my course is on lateness. even late submission of work will get zero marks, no mercy.
    anw its over le, suan le. just feel tat its damn wasted.. tats all. well, at least im not the onli one who's late and cant present. quite a few of my frens were the same as me too. so yea..maybe an E or F. good luck to us.~

    12:58 AM

    Thursday, July 20, 2006

    i had a bad day.
    Bad BAd BAD day. X(

    5:22 PM

    Wednesday, July 19, 2006

    i think i am crazy.
    This was what my fren drew of me over msn ytd. duno why cant be able to do the printscreen thing, so juz copy and paste here. We were quite so free that we kept drawin over msn just for fun..My fren's drawins quite nice yea? all so cute. haha!

    No. 1_ Pig NXT

    No. 2_Skeleton NXT

    No. 3_Skeleton NXT in 10 yrs time

    So which one do u all vote for? The one that has the most votes shall have a lucky draw with a teeny weeny prize for one of u guys! So come on and tag tag tag! =D

    8:03 PM

    Tuesday, July 18, 2006

    Just wonderin..
    AH. finally finished my project for interim. last nite slept from 5pm to 12pm today. too tired man. i could even sleep when im standin on mrt and bus! tats scary.. =/ didnt sleep at all on sunday night.. was rushin thru my project den. freak sia, didnt even noe why i said archi was fun. even me stayin up the whole night oso couldnt finish my work. its suckin my blood every single min. this week's free though..1 wk rest. prepare for the bad grades this time yea.. =( haiz`

    i regret so much for not studyin for Os!! but even if i go to jc, i tink i'll be worse den i am now. or will i? hai.

    went out takin bus at 7am goin towards fuhua tat direction..was like a dead corpse den.. it felt like time has gone back to the period when i was still schoolin in fhs. juz tat now the ppl surroundin me in the 198 bus was ALL jjcians. -.- see the 7/11 near fhs.. reminds me when the time when i was always late for sch. will usually drop by there, get some food, meet govin( lOL.), den sit at the back of the classroom to enjoy my breadfast. hahas.. unlike pjc, everyone chiong towards the sch when we were goin to be late. now? ponned the lesson once i couldnt get up for sch. -.-
    anw thanks for the printin.. if not gonna fail terribly for my proj.

    oh anw, promised mel to blog about why i love my brother these few days.
    here it goes!

    the big thing is, i got my own room!
    grandma moved over to grandpa's room.. so we each got our own room for it.
    but wats there to be happy about?
    i dun understand. some ppl yearn for a personal room. fun meh? yala, maybe its more spacious and stuff, but its so lonely! maybe its becuz they're sleepin together wif their siblins and feel irritated? =/

    now im left wif a com in my room and im facin 4 walls all day. wats so fun abt tat le~ -.-
    i'll miss grandma! though its onli 1 room apart..
    anw my room is so empty now, there's only 1 bed, 1 com and 1 wardobe. so ani1 feel sian-ed or free my room will always be free for all frens. l0lz.
    tats wat im left with.. sigh

    This is the com in my room.
    com? where did i get that?
    here comes the part where my bro came in.
    he actually moved the computer in his own room to my room!
    omg tat was incredibly nice of him.

    cuz he bought a new com for himself.(as shown above) -.-
    so SLIM le, mine? fat until half of the table is taken up. lOLZ. black somemore.. so cool! maybe i'll juz have to wait a few more yrs be4 its mine. =D
    mum saw my 2nd bro and me quarrel over the use of computer tats why suggested buyin a new one. and who will get the new one? of cuz is big bro la. $2000 le. he pay himself again. =/
    why he not bad le, willlin to help me fix everything until its working perfectly fine.. gettin a new keyboard for me and stuff.
    and the com im usin now, its functions are quite good yea? (those who came to my house be4 will notice..)
    yup, tats why lor. nth much though. hahas..

    this is the 1st time im havin my own room, own com. feel like a grown up. and i dun wanna get old so fast.. kept losin track of time too. cuz the holidays in poly are diff from sec sch. didnt noe when are my holis either. tinkin of the fact tat i still needa study durin dec makes me irks. dec is the time to relax for the year isnt it? =D

    suddenly i tot of some of the moments in fhs, it seems so dramatic but yet it came true. and its like back to square 1 now...

    7:00 PM

    Monday, July 10, 2006

    more complains!!

    thinkin about the word "complain", it makes me tink of one person who keeps on complainin all the time, even in his/her blog..
    wah liao eh, not sian meh? even if he/she not sian of it im sure the readers will be so sick of his/her complains lor.
    who would wanna visit a blog that says nth but complaints?

    hahas! arent i rite ppl?
    duno why but i juz find it funny.. hahas~
    (for those who duno who im referrin to,
    juz pm me and i'll tell u tat secret person.)

    suddenly feel like puttin this pic cuz i miss pjc.. had fcuking LOTSSSSS of fun and laughters there durin 1st 3 mths! haiiis..tats chupeng me and yixiang.

    anw thats not the point, the point is i had a really HARD time dealin wif my premier(project) 3 right now! boo hoo..

    u see, right now im suppose to design a hub that muz have the experience/feelins tat is in the movie, "King and the Clown". (btw if u guys haven watched tat movie, go watch it. its damn nice! its a gay show though, still showin now in cathay. =D ) so my concept is traditional and modern. the lecturers kept askin us to express the hub in architectural terms, but its like wth?! simi archi terms? -.- told u im attendin some art lessons right now.. not easy to get hold of it, YET.

    sigh, now we have to build the hub usin cardboard. (lame shit.)
    but the final product muz be build usin wood. means we had to go to the d&t lab to do some sawin and stuff. EEEEkks! hate it when doin tat man. so dusty and its like those "labourer" work. =x sometimes i feel so "wei qu".... =(((

    but i guess its better den other course like civil engineerin ? they had to stand in the hot sun measurin the height of the road and stuff? eeww, tats so much worse. =/poor chaps.

    its the creativity process thats torturing.. and also presentation. =(
    well, but when the final product is out it sure is satisfying! not to mention the grades too! =D kk, muz have motivation to get goin le. if not i'll be complainin like shit and be like tat person's blog. *L-O-L*!

    and i miss my maid. i hope she'll be back. =((

    7:20 PM

    Friday, July 07, 2006

    finally. -.-

    had lots of western food over there. eg fish and chips and lamb chop are two of the best tat i like! they say lamb chop tasted like beef.. anw their fish and chip's portion is much more den us and its much cheaper den us too! tasted much more better than the western food in sg. the fish was so fresh! =P

    and one bowl of their chinese food, eg laksa or hokkien mee cost S$10!!! can u imagine that? bloody ex sia. but their pay is high though, the pay for macdonald there is $10 aus/hour while us here is $3-$4/hour? horrible horrible.

    i still miss their coolin weather. and their night falls around 5pm.. so i slept from 7pm to 7am for 2 days over there. scary sia. go overseas still slp like pig. cant be help. l0lz..

    The "Zoo"!
    Its so cold tat day!
    we were all freezin like hell. =//

    Lazy kangeroos!

    Close up.

    er, abit ugly hor ? =// supposingly kangeroos are cute creatures?

    maybe i took the wrong angle.

    is this better?

    they seems so sleepy. =/

    got a shocked when tat kangeroo came over to me.


    Aaww.. nice thick and smooth fur..
    feels like sleepin on it.


    It likes me!!!!!!
    i tink it's waitin for me to give a kiss..


    dun be jealous! =D

    A Horse?

    Nope! its a pony!

    Look closer.. pony yea?
    But we arent suppose to feed them,
    cuz they are too fat.

    LOL. tats wat the keeper said. =/

    With pure white, grey and black fur.

    Fat and furry too!

    Cant see this kinda chickens in singapore.
    Wonder how they taste like.. l0lz.

    Me feedin the goat.

    got tat ticklishly feelin when their tongue touches my hand..
    and tat saliva doesnt feel good on me.

    but nvm, they're all cute little creatures. hahas..

    Let me introduce u guys the 70kg wombat!

    My small little cousin carryin the wombat.

    i tink the wombat is strugglin though.. =//

    cant imagine how it feels to carryin a 70kg wombat?
    den imagine u are carryin jr. thats roughly how u'll feel.
    wahahs.. kiddin la. he's not tat heavy. hope he dun see this. =x

    thats a Possum hiding in his log!

    no idea wats a possum? its actually one of the animals in Over the Hedge. See tat little stuff being circled over there the left? thats a possum. =)

    koala bear! too bad its sleepin..cant capture its face.

    but its so bad clear sia!

    jiayang's camera rocks! =D

    Same result. but diff koala. they sleep up to 18hours per day.

    my "tong2 lei4". hahas

    These are tasmanian devils.

    seems devilish. l0lz..

    Anw to add up to the kangeroos stuff,
    i managed to spot a joey inside one of the mum's pouch.

    Saw that little ear comin out of the pouch?
    aaww.. so nice. =D

    Seaweed Dragons!

    or issit seadragons? i forgot.
    its not a reflection .. there really are two seadragons in it.

    so clear sia. jy's cam is really nice. hahas.

    HUGE stingray!

    got a shocked when i turned and saw this big creature in front of me. scary. hahas

    it remains me of CU's stingray. wonder if it taste as nice? =/

    wahhh... chio sia... =D

    MANY jellyfish!
    nice but deadly.

    omg guess wats this weird creature?

    its actually those cuttlefish that we ate with sugar or spicy taste.
    didnt know tat a cuttlefish looks like this.
    abit ugly le.. =x


    Nice View!

    oh man, look at the sun!
    seems so freakin hot yea..

    yea.. its a hot sun with a 6 degree cel of weather out there.
    and its still freezin!

    Somewhere up the hilltop.
    Their sky is always so clear.
    Little/no clouds could be seen. izzit cuz of winter?

    See that fire thing in the middle?
    Its like the X-men movie when the prof died.
    how did they made that?

    Anw that area is smth for the war memorial stuff.

    The Indian Ocean!
    didnt noe it would be so beautiful!
    guess it would be packed wif ppl when summer comes.

    its really deep blue sea. unlike sg's, so brownish. l0lz

    thats my cousin again.
    that wooden stuff is the punishment for ppl in the past who had commented some offence.. cant rmb wat it is.

    Its lavender! aawww! it has a spicy smell too! too bad i cant bring it back to sg.. if not can let u all smell it. =D

    there's a bee on it too! l0lz..

    We went for a 1hr tour on a boat.

    Did i see something there? a shark?! =/

    closer.. not clear enough.

    da ta! see it?

    -.- im being so lame over here. l0lz

    of cuz its a Dolphin!
    the dolphins are out in the sea!

    feel so cool sia.. can get to see dolphins out in the seas..
    a very diff feelin from watchin them in any zoo.

    Look! the mother and the child!
    LOVE this pic the most.

    not easy to capture the pic when they're divin around and the boat is movin oka..!
    my camera skills not bad hor? =DD

    wat can i say about their view...

    seems like those pic taken from yahoo right?
    (or am i being over exaggeratin?) =/

    See those birds?

    just wanna compare the birds in aus and sg.
    theirs are clean birds while ours? the whole black birds wif yellow beak and legs. (mynahs if im not wrong?) aiyo, how i wish those birds can migrate to sg, at least will make our country look nicer.

    This is one of the houses by the sea bay.
    with a yatch for every house.

    and it cost 3 millions aus dollars for one house.
    how i wish i could afford 1. hahas.

    Perfect spot for lovers.

    Pottery Class!

    The startin of the making.



    we even needa pay to see her do the pot le!
    of cuz muz take more photos, if not waste money. hahas.

    Refining the sides to make it look better..

    Finally, done with a satisfied smile. =)

    Weird spider?
    not very sure wats that too.. but i guessed its a display done by that lady above usin the pottery thingy.

    izzit possible? =//

    this is the place where grapes are growin on for grape wine.
    but since its winter time now, the plants have all dried up.

    had some wine tastin at the vine yard.
    i tink woman suits white wine more..
    mum bought 4 bottles of red & white wines.

    wahh.. chocolates at chocolate factory!


    lets look at the price now...

    purposely enlarged it to see the price.

    cheery liqeur.. seems delicious!

    but its $1.45 aus ( ard S$2 )..
    at 1st we all tot its $1.45 per gram, but its $1.45 per piece!!!
    very expensive for me. so didnt buy tat although it looks nice. =(

    5:00 PM