Job interview this monday!
no confidence at all. -_-
♥ 11:58 PM
let me feed your ego dear man,
or else nobody will,
♥ 2:58 AM
boss from pizza place gave me $10 ang bao!

It says, "Xueting
Happy Chinese New YEar
The Pizza Place"
that was exceptionally nice of him! :)
(cuz he has some frequent mood swing). and its the 1st time i received such privilege from all jobs. haha.. yay!
yala, not supposed to give but he duno about my case ma.. so i shall keep the 10bucks for him. hehe..
cheers! :D
♥ 2:33 AM
"I was with my owner today until she lost me on the bus 174 to orchard road! I fell off from her hp when she was getting off the bus.. Eventually i was being pushed and squeezed by the crowd to the side of the seat. I waited and prayed that some kind hearted soul would come and claim me, for the fear of being landed in the hell of junk. Night finally came and i was exhausted..
And there! Finally someone picked me up and i was safely kept into his pocket. :) "
Alrite! the above was upon request. lollllllllllll pardon me.
``````````````````````````````````Well it just happened that my turtle handphone holder came off my hp when i was in the bus.. but i came to notice it only after i got off the bus. And it is important to me! =( When back along the track to search for it but our hopes werent high. Went to more than words where i initially bought it but it was sold out already. sigh..

Protege after that and it is certainly a good choice, and its a full house! :)
Here comes the exciting part.
On our trip home, boyf and i took 174 back again. He was suspecting that we were taking the same bus that we took to orchard earlier on. But i laughed. Come on, how could it be possible and lucky?
When we were walking home, boyf suddenly shocked me with my turtle handphone holder! omg, i tot it was a prank from him rite from the start but nope. That return 174 bus was actually the same bus that we took to town! He went to search the seat before getting down and there, he found it! wah lao, this is so lucky?!
who would have taken the same to and fro bus? somemore it was when i lost my stuff then it happened. ohmygod. im totally lost for words! thanks ahgong and god again. lolll =DDDD and boyfriend!!!
im counting my blessings... =)
♥ 12:30 AM
I won blackjack today and even got lucky for getting a bun bun for my last game!!
bun bun = double aces = triple pay!!! =D
It was my last game that i decided to bet 5 dollars for it and earlier was kept safe by betting 2bucks for each game. Never would i expect that i would get a bunbun, or bun luck, i was just hoping to win for that last round. But who knows i would win $15 for that game! And it was when i was betting for 5bucks that the bunbun came to me! :D
alrite, its my 1st time i feel so lucky thats why im excited!
Perhaps God in heaven and ah gong saw my previous entry for not getting any ang baos for new year and needed to shou nian, and there! they
blessed me! haha
thank you!I take this as a very good beginning for lunar 2007. 2006 has been too much of unhappiness and its time to let bygones be bygones. It feels as though all my burdens were finally
gone and
finally. =)
Nevertheless i still wanna thank
all those who has been there for my rainy days! :D
This year will be a good year for me once again, i believe. =)
♥ 2:32 AM
What's new year without ang bao?
♥ 12:05 AM
K-boxing on valentines day was only $22 for two from 2-6! Isnt that cheap! haha.. and boyf and i spent 30 bucks on arcade too! truly mad. -_- but truly fun. i tink im startin to like arcade.. lol bad influence from boyf!
and rejoice! cuz i have my caoge from boyf!

anw we received a stalk of rose that was free! People giving out free roses on valentines day. how sweet can that be.. and i wonder who paid for the roses. lol
thanks for all the valentine wishes from my friends too!
*hearts*Everyone is busy decorating their house for chinese new year, but we're not allowed to do so this year. because of ah gong's death last year. Im not even sure if i'll be gettin ang bao too.. and for the past year, we cant visit grandmother's house because grandfather (maternal side) past away too. hai, i hope those stuff stops!
but im glad that this year is gonna end in a few more days! its really enough of bad luck already.
school, studies, love, deathS( i tink i duno attend how many
song kahs-funerals this 2 years already la!)... you name it i have it.
A new and good start perhaps! :)

the stalk of rose, the same old scent,
awakes the memories of may14.
what if...
♥ 2:37 AM
Watched a tv show that ranked the top 5 horoscopes that can feel/see ghosts more easily than the others. And they are...
1st) Aquarius
2nd) Capricorn
3rd) Leo
4th) Pisces
5th) Scorpio
and im the 2nd! Nothing to be proud of. =/
♥ 6:42 PM
The unfortunate,
will tend to be more thankful,
will tend to cherish their loved ones,
will tend to cherish their life
more than the fortunate.
While the normal people will grumble and complain about their life. So would you rather be unfortunate but lead a meaningful life or a normal guy leading a normal life, or a fortunate guy living your life to the fullest?
She said, " its not unfortunate, its just inconvenient."
Yea, its just inconvenient......
♥ 12:55 AM
are you willing to break the rules for me?
♥ 11:31 PM

With lots of love from caiyun!
Crazy friend from pizza place baked this cookies for us.. that's so sweet!
She's one funky girl from NP nursing who never fails to bring us joy.. Its been fun knowing her. Hope she doesnt quit from pizza place!
♥ 2:31 PM
One more added to my tall and thin.
The big eyes.
♥ 12:20 AM
Finally back again.
All is finally over, no more schoolwork. Kept all my penknifes away incase my insanity comes about. Mum kept insisting me on changin course few days ago.. due to the sleepless nights i had during submission period. But no, no way im gonna waste another year for it.. but then again i have to endure all the 24/7 workin days for a few more years.. Hai, i didnt know this wrong step would lead me to this horrible stage. Perhaps I should just wait for the release of results...
Speaking of results, i got 52 for my MAT and 83 for ES. Yes its so drastic. -_-
I wanna especially thank Melvin and Elieen for surprising on my 18th birthday! It was when i really need help and they appeared! nice angels. ^^ Deeply appreciated. =)
♥ 10:04 PM