like as if it's ever gonna work.
f shit.
♥ 12:32 AM
You are always right, we're always wrong.
It's been like that for decades.
Why does the pawns always get attacked,
oh, cause you're the sovereign.
Anyway we are just so used to it that it doesn't matter anymore.
You just dun get it.
Just spare a thought for us.
♥ 3:54 PM

rushed this model out from 3-7 in the morning, at least its still presentation. LIKE FINALLY IM THROUGH WITH MY JC2! xD Using the last few days to choing was pure psychosis. But yay, all's done and over. JC2 presentation this friday, I wonder about the critics that i'll get. No school this week, but DC submission's on coming monday.
oh shit, not again!
I just love the loooooooooong 174 trip home from town.
i<3 long rides, and i miss the subway.
why does the rain comes down with the red sky, why does one feel so forlorn in the rain?
♥ 11:25 PM

SHAGGGGed after staring into lines for 3 days 2 & nights. Slept for only 2 hours each day. My legs are getting wobbling and don't even have the strength to climb the stairs. Tonight's the last night. Just woke up from a short nap, 3.19am, countdown 7 more hours to submission & i haven even got my penknife ready... for cutting.
3 weeks work becomes a 3 days work for me. Still, I guess its the last minute anxiety that
spurred on me to work non-stop.
omg why am i stiill blogggggin! That's it, the end.
JC2 would be
so screwed. Thanks, like totally.
♥ 1:12 AM
We said our prayers each night.
like as if doing 24hr through the night and day
never felt so low, but it's great cause i know something's gonna change.
This friday night was not meant to be.
♥ 8:40 PM

Year 1 we deal with a4 to a3, now we deal with a3 to a2. It won't be long before we set up a mahjong table.
♥ 8:33 PM
I SO NEEDA RECOMMEND KFC'S ORIENTAL CHICKEN SALAD> IT'S SO DARN BLOODY NICE. Remember to ask for the sauce, without it you can seriously become a rabbit.
♥ 12:31 AM
like finally, i got the phone i desire.

I can even see the reflection of my hand takin the photo!
i just can't stop smiling.
♥ 4:02 PM
Sometimes I just can't believe I'm actually drawing to score for my studies.
Studies = study notes + revisions + exams.
That's what people normally referred to for studies.
No notes, no revision, no exam? = Slacking.
nah im just kidding, but in fact that's what most of us are doing now. Only when the project submission deadline is near, we'll chiong each days like there's no tomorrow, but wait.. if there's no tomorrow we can jolly well enjoy ourselves on the last day on earth instead! dream, dream harder nnxXxtTt.
Just like now, the last week left for JC2. Working with something that has an answer, or creating your own answer, which would you choose?
We draw, we don't write.
We hold a pencil, not a pen.
zomg, how coooooooooooool is that.
SO many chose skipping for the 1st qn of the quiz and there is one that clicked the pizza palace. i thought that was funny, sounds royal though.. maybe we should change it to that since nic and i are the queens. Great.someone even went to the extend of creating a hotmail just to avoid letting me know that he/she did the quiz. Anw that's not important, the thing is he/she actually scored 100! so tell me 'r', who are you?!
♥ 3:15 PM
and so nnxXxtTt, where's more to life?10 volumes of books to memorise for each 3-lettered-alphabets of authories -LTA, BCA, URA... so so many rules and regulations to follow. Dreaming of lines each night is scary.. i wonder if i carry all these upon me for the rest of my life, will i hunch like an ah ma just by the age of 30? its a miracle for a day that i spelled out
architecture is love -
like shit.
i seriously don't believe an egg can stand on its own, can it? its funny how my brain selectively stores the good memories..
It's such a wonder.
Would you like to listen to an angel from heaven?
♥ 11:46 PM
Our mambo virgin night was much fun! omgomgomg!
<3-ing every part of it. =]
♥ 3:42 AM
Stayover with tpp at leon's place last week! vcd, foods, camwhore we have it all. =]

with much <3!!!!! =]
♥ 3:13 AM
Revenage is like a sweet poison,
that kills.Save yourself before it's gone.
Leave me at far far away.
♥ 12:01 AM
JC2 submission postponed after holidays!
That's like the happiest thing ever this week! =]
do it slowly, it will be faster..
♥ 11:08 PM
Horoscope for June 3, 2007
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
In Detail
You don't suffer fools gladly -- so your forbearance may be tested today. It may seem as though you've been transported to a kindergarten classroom -- everyone is whining and screaming about something or other, and you will be the only competent adult in the room. Just let them argue with one another about things that really don't matter. If you work around these petty complainers, you'll be able to stay happy and calm throughout the day.I just met one petty soul today. Like totally, ew.
♥ 9:50 PM
Went to PC fair today with senior and there was hell lots of crowd. And the dance for Sony? I don't get it. Using dance to promote their brands, see no link but anw its pleasant to the eye.. so why not. hahaha...
JC2 submission next friday.
Line drawing on microstation again, gonna dream of lines again! ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
& model making! I hope it all goes well...
I do hope tpp still remains as fun no matter what happens. =]

This night, who knows?
♥ 11:58 PM
Tonning at Queen's house last week. Intended to do work but still i guess only chattin and sleepin were done. haha.. And dining at someplace far away from your home can be a great thing too. Next stop shall be east coast? =]
Construction Site Visit..
I knew this day had to come, but i didnt know it came so fast.. and so much. At least we had white helmet, not yellow. Cause yellow helmets are for............. haha, you can fill that in yourself.

It's really high up there!

Inside the very scary lift!!

Here comes the 7 continuous shots! I hope weeyang doesn't see this..

♥ 11:53 AM