DC's finally over, fire escape submission's finally over. This time I really felt like giving up when im drawing for the fire escape sub, if not for the 15%... WHY do they wanna set all the deadlines on FRIDAY! why not monday?! Seriously fridays have never been so dreadful for me before. Now i seemed so shag on every friday. fridays are supposed to be the most relaxing, happiest day of the week cause sch/work is ending that day. Interim's on coming fri, JC3 submission is due next friday. They spoilt my fridays, gravely. Even if i dont do last minute work, I might still be rushing every wed and thurs nights because design is ever-changing, it never stops cause it'll never be perfect. You can only keep squeezing your brain juice, thinking about how to improve your design everywhere you go. There'll be no correct/perfect/100marks answer just like the arts courses like writing econs geog hist lit and gp essay. You cant really just mug hard for it to get 100/100 which is much more possible for the maths and sci. & worse still, what if they disagree with you(like poor nicolas), all the efforts would just go to drain. seriously, ENOUGH OF FRIDAYS & SCH.
saw fireworks today, i thought i would be as thrilled and before but it felt all different. Different from what I expected myself to be feeling, simple just different from the past..
& jiayang still insists that i didnt change much from sec sch, *as compared to others somemore.* like totally, omg. ): i could just die lar.
once again, the weekly indulge. (i seriously hope im not boring you guys with this.)

♥ 2:15 AM

this friday.
4 more sets of drawings,
structural undone,
fire fightings,
and the list goes on.
and ya, jiayang says i haven change at all since sec sch except for my hair. I thought i could just jump down from the 3rd storey im living at now. Like omg, i seriously feel stabbing whatever is beside me whenever i thought of it. Maybe i should do i poll or something. Perhaps I should post up my sec sch photos, but then again it was just a moment of folly. why would i want to post them here to scare you and me.

i couldn't even recoginze myself, can you?
♥ 2:59 PM
2 classes/half the cohort of year2.

this is archi.
♥ 10:43 PM
"08.04.2007Her voice shudders as she spoke of him.With her pain no less than the the irish coffee left on the table,the make-up on the face is her only last defence.What perfect masquerade.I continued, sotto voce.Again, trying hard to pull her through with the ever cliche statements.All mere palliatives though, but thats the best i could do.So much for a three years relationship,it takes only human to know how god-awful it is for her.Pardon my garrulous narrations, but i feel so much for the friend.I see just too many correlations of whats happening to her on me.Floating hearts. Fading voices. And all the fuck.Oh god, tell me about 'love', maybe then I'd understand.22.03.2007She's been living on his letters and promises.However cliche some of his words may get, i'm certain she have fallen for those fallacies.The dates. The shared summers, and butterflies asideshe would love to hate him so much.yet, she's desperate to take a second peek of him,Her disdainful eyes tell stories of excruciating pain and sufferingsthe heavy emotions' slitting through her pale, soft skin.She never deserves to take the final blow alone.I can't bear another sight of this, lordThe taste of hardliquor, the after effects.i know how it feels like to have the whole world in a moment, but losing it at the next.And how fervent she prayed on those sleepless nights, that he will be right there for her. i remember how painful it was to scream in my pitch dark room, when even the echo reminds me of her voice. My history's repeating in her life. Before she gasp her last breath, rid her of all her angst and agony. Deliver her. "Dedicated by jr.
but still, uncertainties lies..
Kaixiang's so right.
What's so good planning so much for the future but without you in it?
♥ 10:13 PM
What a nice day for Earth day.
It would be too scary to imagine if all the blockbuster movies on disasters coming true and real live on us. like the Earth is dying.
Went out with 4A today. Been a long while since i saw them but still the feelings still remain. It's great seeing them once again. (: Tonight, my heart felt deeply for not only 1, but 2, 3. What's with the world.. but i would say, this is the world. But just remember(what i've realised),
thosewhowerethere>thosewhowerenotthere. This simple logic means so much like omg.

why am i sucha melancholic. omgthisissobad.
luckily im still a sanguine minor. (:
♥ 12:30 AM

shirley mah's not bad, at least for once.
these 3 weeks had been great.
the sweetness after each bitter bite,
the fragrance from the smoking tea each night,
though some things never change,
i will miss.
i learnt twinkle twinkle today.
like omg! (:
♥ 12:27 AM
i won't dare imagine how life would be if i were to spend every saturday like yesterday. im
sosososo rotten. nvm, i shall take it as a day to relax myself. Anw fang da tong is
so-not-original. His songs are so filled with tao zhe and wang leehong's shadow. Although it's nice but its just like a clone of others. And why of all must he be fallen into leehong's shadow? leehong's like so yandao and cool and
still-my-idol but fang da tong is...
boohoo.super random post with super random photo with dita.
♥ 3:05 AM