yay 75%!!!
there's still a chance!
i hope no one retains though...
♥ 1:59 AM
kengkeng), our year 1 lecturer, is going to be with us for every
monday's lesson!
omg this is the worst new ever. She is always
goin around sch catching students with slippers.
argh damn woman, i hate her for
doin that. ): she's gonna be the 1st reason if my new resolution
cmi. we gotta face her from 10am - 5pm, 7 hours! why must the sch be so cruel and put us in such misery.
o'man, she's gotta get me into depression. i so feel like
cryin. ):
anw st
james last
nite was a big
nono. they have a bigger age
grp over there that i can hardly spot another 18 yr old teen.. but luckily the Boiler Room was much better..i mean the songs. && we saw 2 ladies
fightin with each other, pulling hair.. punching stomach.. middle finger.. shouting 'whats your problem'.. The victim even went back for
revenge with her friend after
gettin away the 1st round. This is the 1st time i see women cat fighting.. just like wwe. Scary.
♥ 3:26 AM
received a call from my ex-maid (is that a correct term to use?) to look for grandma just now. And the amazing thing is that my grandma actually understood my maid's
hokkien, and they were
chattin like some old friends who haven met up for years.. im impressed. My ex-maid was hinting if she could come back to work for us but sadly that doesnt seem to be the plan now. Then again, with the allowance of watchin suria tv channel, leaving the radio on to its full blast so that we can have a sing-along session with her, chatting with friends over phone, with such great life over here, who wouldn't? its only the exception that she doesn't have a car to drive around to be working as a 5-star maid.
im off to the wedding dinner! & huimin from fhs 4d & slivia were at the dinner too. what a small world.
♥ 5:50 PM
im so sad.
1st, sch's reopening next week omg. sem 2 gonna be the toughest it can ever get. imagine the lines that you cant even see clearly when you zoomed in 1000%.. & the attachment using programs that school never taught us before. Anyway i made a resolution for sem 2, i will attend school everyday. No longer ponning sch every other day already. School fees omg, stop wasting money nxXxtTt. But no doubt i will be late. My favourite slogan, always better being late than never.
2nd, im getting a spects with only 50/75 degree just for driving. The very last time i wore spects was during primary 4. The first time I tried it was during a test in school and i was feeling so giddy, almost vomited as well. Ever since I swear not to touch that spectacles anymore. and and, that spects is so oldies lar, with golden frames or something. Thank god i had already lost it, if not i have to wear it now? haha impossible. & the last thing, it won't be pretty wearing spects driving!
3rd, im sleeping on the sofa in the living room tonight.
♥ 1:01 AM
YAY i passed my basic theory test (on my 1st try)! (:
im so afraid i couldn't make it la, cause i have totally zero knowledge about cars. final theory test up next on
Supposingly, it was to be scheduled 4days later but we hesitated for too long and the slot was taken up. Harry got it anyway, wish him lucks.
lesbian tendency. (if you believe)

the girls got so chilled by the 1st visit to mos that they kept asking for more. And grinding is so ultimately disgusting. i dun understand why some people still play along with it. luckily we protected and avoided ourselves away from them. and omg, several angmoh couples were seriously making out in the dancefloor. i could only stare in disbelief. haha perhaps im just too conservative. & number was requested twice! rejoiced. haha
yay i love saturdays with my love later!
♥ 2:46 AM
yokesh - 8
th septto queen
nic - 9
th septto
jiehui - 10
th sept!
got back my results for only two of my modules for this sem -
RWP & GEMS. attained both
Bs for it. was aiming for higher grades but well, at least now it still looks acceptable.
im so sad. i feel like dying each night lar. too much pain. too much sufferings. when is it going to heal.
& yay mambo night tmr!
♥ 2:23 AM