im beginning to like banqueting. (:
and im going to crazy....
♥ 5:04 PM

Church Of St Mary Of The Angels

Had a site visit to this church at bukit batok and omg, it is so pretty! I think this is the best site visit among all.
E-learning next week! gotta be busy with work and cca. Good luck to all friends takin their A levels next week! keep going! (:
wedding dinner tmr night! & another one again 2 weeks later.. why are there so many people getting married this year? anw i love attending such functions, where you would feel so blessed for the couples. To us it may be just a simple meal of dinner, but to them its a precious moment of a lifetime...
♥ 12:46 AM
one and only one pair on planet earth,
you own it. no one else.
designer's my classmates! (look at the super chio artwork omg, all hand-drawn!)

some designs available, more photos of past works coming up.
be quick, get one of your very own now!
at $35.
or are you seeking for bags?
theRANDOMshop is the place.
any interested customers feel free to give me a message at or zhaoyi at !
♥ 11:19 PM
work ended from 5 to 2.30am omgness. so freaking late, just reached home around 3.30am and there's school later at 8. Yes i will be there for the submission later. work's full of ups and downs today.. but still it ended well. (: i love candy! Now at least there's a tiny bit of motivation for work. hah.... xD
♥ 4:04 AM
just what are we seeking for under the deadly daily routines of life.
♥ 1:02 AM
condo's so hard that even my mama can cry.
♥ 8:09 PM
am i setting too high expections for myself or am i seeking for more each time i reached my destination?
perhaps i should stop at times and look back at the improvement i've made, before i proceed to the next stage.
♥ 11:08 PM
got my
PDL without glasses!
yay, means i passed my eye test without the need of spectacles. (((: i
almost failed
omg. =/ lucky.
all thanks to
sp's virus that spoilt my
desktop's monitor. lucky brother bought a new monitor for me already, if not
friday's submission....
1st day of work at
intercontinetal hotel was fine. i was surprised that most of the females working there are all aunties/housewives but the males are teens like us. I thought most aunties are only
kiasu.. but not only that, to my horror some of them are so so unfriendly like
wtf, do i owe them a living or something?! They're just like those
fairytale's witches. Lucky those aunties around me are so super nice,
i've got fairy godmothers around me that night.
hahaha.. The guys, most were willing to lend a hand while some were over-friendly.
hah.. && the floor's so slippery that someone fell & got hurt!
o'man, i tried so so hard to balance myself from falling too. I missed my last train home & had to take NR5 back..
♥ mummy was waiting at the
busstop.. ♥ (: 18yrs old already, but still its always nice to know that
someone's there for you after a days' of hard work. (:
p/s: i noticed the word "lucky" appeared at all the 3 paragraphs.
♥ 2:22 AM
This is the first time that I heard of "meet the parents" session for poly. I didnt know there is still this custom in poly.. or perhaps, its only for architecture. The lecturers are sure concerned about us don't they? If you have heard of other courses also having "meet the parents" session, please inform me.. if not i will assume that darch in sp is the only holy course that holds mtp session for poly students. =/
♥ 12:02 AM