the lovely daniel and kenny brothers.
This year's chinese new year was different and special. In the past we used to stay at home during chu yi where our relatives would come visiting grandma and us at our house. But this year it was celebrated at grandma's new house instead.. chu er went to a very special place and my god, i tink it felt so much like a dream that i even wasn't able to feel much anxiety... but im glad i went though. (: chu si queen and i headed down to lb.. hmm totally different experience i would say. The lion dance was great and we had a feast to our eyes too.

We were invited to nicole's house too.. and steamboat dinner at bugis in the night. Though i lost money for the blackjack game but i realised something important at least... (:
& NOT TO FORGET I LOST MY FREAKING PRETTY LG SHINE PHONE ON THE CHU XI OF CNY. I still remember she's a bloody bitch and tat day was her 1st day of work when we got onto her cab. It was then when my hp slipped out off my pocket and there it goes with the cab driver. It's been the second incident my dear lord. The first time i left i hp in a cab, i was lucky that the cab driver u-turned to return it to me. But this time, the bloody bitch has got herself a good deal, a new phone for cny. i would be cursing and swearing to whichever asshole that is using my phone now, u ought to be jailed for using my phone.
and so i've lost all my precious contacts. dear frens please leave me a message so that i can have u guys back in my phonebook! (:
♥ 1:46 AM
Yes i know u all are so sick of the mundane post. I cant stand it anymore too! like finally. Im goin to post more entries from now on! please stay tuned! (:
have got so much to update about. Didn't realise that so much things can happen within this one month plus.. gonna post about my 19th birthday for now, will update the rest tmr.

presents from all my lovely friends.

the jan babies. our 20th, 19th, & 17th birthdays. (:

ivan's pretty scary ):

Have got a bbq with the intercons and chalet with polymates this birthday. Didn't really expect it.. But it was quite different from other years though. Anw school ended since weeks ago & im having attachment now! 8.45 to 6.15 each day at bugis. Still, I'm late each day. Super relieved that everything is about year 2 is finally over. & was super lucky to escape from the interview to year 3 omg, thats one of the best thing that ever happened this year. But wont be able to get any grades too.. I've only got myself to blame.
During attachment, I've been thinking is that what i wanna be doing for my next 30-40 years of life. Office hr 9 - 6, OT whenever there's submission, drawing lines everyday, drawing for other ppl's design, being a draftman.. is not appealing at all. But what to do? If only i have a choice..
♥ 3:50 AM