i tot about the wonders of life.
while looking through the archives of my blog, i noticed
how much we have changed in appearance, in our mindset, with the wonderful people in our lives and how little things in life that made us grow stronger.
19 years of life and now everyone begins their new journey in life.
i think life's pretty scary without goals. If you're living just day by day without
knowin what you want, the purpose of your
existence is so insignificant. If my life was to be written into a book i wished for an exciting & full of unpredictable stuffs. Routine is the death of the spirit. At least for these 19 years i would have pages filled with contents about up and downs of love & romance, friends and family, education and skills, illnesses to death. Yet I have not found the significance of life for all these while.
and while digging for my old stuffs few days ago, i saw a line written by brother
alvin which sounded so true.
"your attitude determines your altitude."
so much quotes and examples to motivate you in your life, but truly how many of them really last in you? Its so hard to find something that keeps you going.
If i had to use one word to describe the entire journey of my life, i would wish for 'unpredictable'.
What about yours?
♥ 2:55 AM

one more week left to JC2.
the stress is on again. :(
stayover is always fun
but the aftermath was bad.
`always let work comes first.
♥ 4:47 PM
yay i passed ftt! (((;
feel like taking up bike too? =/
i need confidence, much.
♥ 8:34 PM
OMG, im back! (:
yay like wtf, finally finally im back to blogging. Let's hope this passion doesn't run out fast again before my blog becomes a dead zone again. School's starting again tmr. I've totally no faith at all. & i've got lots of cello scores to practise! Lots to update, and as usual, let the pictures do the talking. :D
Sarene's Bbq

11th june ((:

Zouk with intercons.
with all the pretty babes (:

& the finale..
Michelle's Birthday Makeover!

..before michelle
.. michelle after! (:
omg look at the stark contrast between them. perhaps we all could be fashion police already. & she loves her bob hair most! haha im sure this would be her best brithday present ever. cheers! maybe we should all have birthday makeovers next year. :D

with love! (:
4 outta 7 are going nus, ntu.
omg jeron & vivi, what should we do?? ):
♥ 7:06 PM